Piedmont Opera Announces the Resignation of Longtime Artistic Director James Allbritten
Piedmont Opera Explores Storytelling and the Possibilities of Live-Streamed Opera
Echoes from Carolina Review- Voix des Arts
Winston-Salem Festival Ballet is Inspired!
Winston-Salem lights up red to support local artists, businesses
Piedmont Opera pivots, presses on in pandemic
Franklin in Broadway.com
Miss America 2019 Joins Cast of Piedmont Opera
Common Giant’s Creative
“Maria Stuarda” at Piedmont Opera: a triumph
Who Said Blood is Thicker Than Water?
‘Mary, Queen of Scots’ Stuns Piedmont Opera Audience
“‘Mary, Queen of Scots’ sonically, visually dazzling”
Video clip of “La boheme”
Opera Lively Cast Interviews
Video clip of “The Elixir of Love”
Director Steven LaCosse on Yes!Weekly
Outstanding Piedmont Opera Performance of La Bohème
Piedmont Opera’s ‘La Bohème’ is rich in sound and feeling
La boheme: The Ups and Downs of the Human Condition